Well Done Sligo

Well done to our Senior Men’s county team who had a comprehensive win over London this weekend in the National League. Unfortunately, our clubman and regular Sligo full back Eddie McGuiness missed out on the action due to injury, we hope to see Eddie back on the field soon.

Healthy Club

Pat Lucey and Reggie McNulty attended the GAA Healthy Club orientation day which was held in Croke Park over the weekend. There were over 170 people in attendance from clubs all over Ireland and abroad. The Healthy Club program aims to place the local GAA club at the heart of the community, ensuring that everyone who engages with the club benefits from the experience in a health-enhancing way, be they players, officers, coaches, parents, supporters, or members of their local community… essentially making it a beacon for health in the area. If you are living in the Tubbercurry Community and would like to get involved, we would love to hear from you. Contact Pat Lucey on 0878182232. Keep an eye on the notes for updates in the next few weeks.


Congratulations to Maria Kelleher who won €267 in our recent 50/50 draw on Mar 7th. This weekly draw is a very important revenue stream for our club, thanks to all who support. Tickets can be purchased at www.lottoraiser.ie/tubbercurrygaa/ or in store at Surlis’s Supervalu, McSorleys Centra, Foleys or Mickey Macs.

Tubber Tigers in association with Lollipop Lane Crèche and Montessori

The hugely successful Tubber Tigers Gaa Nursey will return on Thursdays from 31st March. The sessions will take place from 6:30 – 7:30 in Kilcoyne Park. Its open to boys and girls born 2013-2018. For more info contact Gavin Gilmartin on 0876811764 or Brendan Devane 0879720629. Special thanks to Louise Kilbane and all at Lollipop Lane Crèche and Montessori for their generous sponsorship.

Do you have old pictures

Club historian Barry Brennan is on the lookout for pictures of Tubbercurry GAA Club Championship winning teams as part of club heritage / pride initiative. If you have any old pictures, please contact Barry Brennan on 0876549042.


Membership for the 2022 season is now open. Adult €100, Child €40, OAP €75, Family €125, Student €50, U7’s Free. To pay membership contact Chairman Dermot Gannon on 0873647681 or go to www.foireann.ie, navigate to membership and select Tubbercurry GAA Club.

These notes have been brought to you in association with our main sponsor Surlis’s Supervalu!